Africa Evidence Week 2021: Expanding EIDM support activities beyond boundaries what works and what doesn’t

2021-10-19 africa evidence week 2021 blog highlights informs learns news

This video is a recording of the final session of the 3-series webinar held by PACKS Africa during #AfricaEvidenceWeek2021. It explored conditions for expanding #evidence-informed decision making (EIDM) services to other countries as an #ecosystem support service provider. Four countries were centered on in the discussion: Cameroon, Kenya, La Cote D'Ivoire, and Zimbabwe. Issues centered on political and socioeconomic conditions prevalent in the respective countries, as well as specific ones relevant to EIDM support services.

Whiles the issues explored may be typically relevant to organisations operating in the EIDM space, others that are considering expanding their operations beyond specific country settings could equally find the discussion useful. The AEN is a community of people (and organisations) working in Africa, and has an interest in evidence, its production, and use in decision-making; and PACKS Africa is a proud member, together with colleagues who served as panelists in the webinar.